Maintaining your Stone Spreader: The ultimate guide to increasing the longevity of your machine

2024-04-15 - CanAmerican Stone Spreader

At CanAm we make state-of-the-art, long lasting stone spreaders but like anything maintaining your equipment is essential to ensuring the longevity of it! 

Taking care of your stone spreader not only maximizes your investment but also minimizes downtime and repair costs. Let’s walk  through some key steps to maintaining your stone spreader so it lasts you and your business as long as possible. 

Tip # 1: Regular Inspection

Regular inspections are the cornerstone of effective maintenance for any heavy machinery. Conducting routine checks allows you to identify potential issues early on and address them before they escalate into costly repairs. Here's what to look out for during your inspections:

  • Hydraulic System: Inspect hydraulic hoses, fittings, and cylinders for signs of leaks, wear, or damage. Check hydraulic fluid levels and top up if necessary according to manufacturer recommendations.

  • Electrical Components: Test all electrical systems, including lights, sensors, and controls, to ensure they are functioning correctly. Replace any damaged wiring or components promptly.

  • Mechanical Components: Examine belts, chains, and gears for wear and tear. Lubricate moving parts as per the manufacturer's guidelines to prevent friction and premature failure.

  • Structural Integrity: Inspect the frame, chassis, and body for cracks, rust, or structural damage. Weld or replace any compromised components to maintain structural integrity.

Tip #2: Regular Cleaning

Keeping your stone spreader is essential for preventing corrosion, reducing friction, and ensuring smooth operation. Here are some cleaning tips:

  • Remove Debris: Regularly remove dirt, debris, and accumulated material from the hopper, conveyor, and other components. Use compressed air or a pressure washer for thorough cleaning.

  • Grease Points: Identify all grease points on your stone spreader and lubricate them at regular intervals using high-quality grease. Pay particular attention to pivot points, bearings, and moving parts.

  • Chain Maintenance: Clean and lubricate conveyor chains to prevent rust and ensure smooth movement. Inspect for worn or damaged links and replace them as needed.

  • Corrosion Prevention: Apply a protective coating or rust inhibitor to vulnerable areas of the stone spreader, especially those exposed to moisture and harsh environmental conditions.

Tip #3: Review your Training Manual

With every truck, we provide a thorough training manual that helps troubleshoot any issues and break down how the different parts and components of your stone spreader work. It’s essential that your drivers and team understand and have read this booklet from top to bottom. 

And of course the CanAm team is always available to help so please feel free to reach out to our service team at any point! 

By implementing a comprehensive maintenance program and adhering to best practices for stone spreader care, you can prolong the longevity of your equipment and optimize its performance throughout its lifespan. Regular inspections, cleaning, and operator training are some small effective elements you can add to your maintenance strategy. 

By prioritizing maintenance, you not only protect your investment but also ensure safe and efficient operation on the job site, ultimately contributing to the success of your projects and the profitability of your business.